6.00 am departure from Cuneo in Piazza Europa in front of the Municipal Pharmacy
6.10 am departure from Cuneo in Piazza della Costituzione, C.so Gramsci side
6.55 am departure from the Best Western Hotel Langhe, Bra-marene exit, Via Savigliano 116
Motorway route towards Lake Garda with a stop at a motorway restaurant for free breakfast. In the morning we will arrive in Peschiera, one of the most characteristic villages of Lake Garda, at the mouth of the Mincio river. We will walk on the ancient patrol walkways, in the elegant old town, bordered by the medieval ramparts and the fortress. We will admire the Canale di Mezzo which creates, with the typical fishing boats, suggestive landscape views. In the late morning we will reach the Sigurtà Garden Park, the most beautiful park in Italy, second in Europe and among the 10 most beautiful in the world: an oasis to get in touch with nature and its varied expressions. After free lunch in the refreshment points we will explore the park on the occasion of the most anticipated flowering of early spring. Over 300 varieties of bulbs from Holland and Turkey will blossom: Tulips, Giaginti, Narcisi, Allium, Muscari, Anemones and many others. A colorful succession of early, medium and late varieties, a million tulips that will color the park's lawns for a truly unforgettable chromatic show. In the afternoon we will arrive in Borghetto, the village of water mills, included in the most beautiful villages in Italy. We will walk across Ponte Visconteo, an ancient fortified dam; we will admire the crenellated curtains of the Scaligero Castle and we will "get lost" in the ancient village of intact medieval charm. At the end of the visits we will leave for the return journey with an appropriate stop at the motorway restaurant and arrival in the evening.
to person
Minimo 30 partecipanti
The price includes:
The fee does not include:
Ore 6.00 partenza da Cuneo in Piazza Europa davanti alla Farmacia Comunale
Ore 6.10 partenza da Cuneo in Piazza della Costituzione, lato C.so Gramsci
Ore 6.55 partenza dal Best Western Hotel Langhe, Casello di Bra-marene, Via Savigliano 116
DURATA: tour in giornata
Le nostre sedi operative:
Fondo di garanzia n. 40324512000232 - Polizza RC agenti di viaggio n. 111122682
Iscrizione al registro delle imprese n. CN 297530
Grazie per averci contattato!