ONLY-UP! The mythical climbs

ONLY UP! Le mitiche salite


Tour in bici da strada alla scoperta delle mitiche salite per ciclisti alla ricerca di una settimana di sport, ma anche un'immersione nella cultura e dell'enogastronomia locale 

Sette giorni pedalando sui più bei colli nelle valli del Monviso sulle tracce di Coppi, Pantani, Nibali, Froome e tanti altri, passando in luoghi ricchi di cultura, tradizioni e buona cucina. Durante la settimana non potrà mancare una giornata di relax in Spa in una degli angoli più spettacolari delle Alpi Occitane.

1st DAY: Arrival at the hotel
Meeting with the guide at the hotel, briefing on the tour, free dinner and overnight stay.
2nd DAY: Tour of Colle Fauniera
Meeting with the guide at the hotel and departure for Colle Fauniera, a true giant of the Cuneo mountains. The climb from the Castelmagno side became legendary in 1999 with the no-quarter battle between Pantani and Jalabert. Since that time it has become a must for cyclists passing through the region. Your legs will be put to the test by an ascent of over 21km with several points featuring gradients of around 14%. The landscape will be very varied, passing from the cultivated countryside to the high altitude grasslands: an ideal setting for climbing. The technical descent towards Val Maira will help make the day even more adventurous. Return to hotel, dinner and overnight.

3rd DAY: Sant'Anna di Vinadio, the highest sanctuary in Europe
After breakfast, go up the Stura valley, the historic passage between the two sides of the Alps, up to the over 2,000 meters of the Santuario di Sant'Anna di Vinadio, the highest in Europe. The climb takes place in the valley that leads to the Lombarda hill, a pass towards Nice, reachable with an 8 km detour. The larches are the silent adventure companions of this climb. Return by the same route, dinner and overnight at the hotel.

4th DAY: Elva relaxation day
Departure after breakfast and transfer to Elva, for a day of complete relaxation in one of the most evocative corners of the Western Alps. At 1600 meters above sea level, you can savor the pleasure of a Spa overlooking the mountains from over 3000 meters. Return to hotel, dinner and overnight.

5th DAY: At the foot of the face
From Dronero to the base of Monviso: this is the challenge of the day, which promises to be demanding from a mileage point of view, but destined to leave you speechless once you reach your destination. The Pian del Re, destination of the day, constitutes a valuable naturalistic setting, where the Po river originates. All this in front of the imposing and spectacular pyramid of the Viso. Return to hotel, dinner and overnight.

6th DAY: The hill of the Lamb
The day includes the ascent of another "giant" of the region, the Colle dell'Agnello, which allows the passage between Val Varaita and Queyras from the top of its 2744 meters. Val Varaita is an alternation of mountain villages up to the inhabited center of Chianale, a place where human settlement gives way to a high mountain environment capable of taking your breath away as much as the slopes that await an average of 10% for all ten km remaining. Return by the same route, dinner and overnight stay.

7th DAY: Madonna del Colletto
On the last day we treat ourselves to a shorter and less demanding tour from the elevation point of view, but equally full of charm. The road that leads to Madonna del Colletto, about 8km uphill, allows you to reach a very important place in the history of the Cuneo area: in fact, it was here that the first partisan band of the region was born. Chestnut and beech woods are the ideal contour of this climb with an average gradient of 8%. Ring itinerary. End of services.

€ 960 / PER PERSON, includes:
(min.6 people guide)


  • A5 nights in a hotel (3/4 stars) in a double room, half board
  • 1 night in a hotel (3/4 stars) in a double room, in bed and breakfast
  • training program and gps tracks
  • local tour guide
  • overnight stay and meals included for the guide
  • entrance to the Spa - Elva or similar
  • assistance car
  • baggage transfer
  • mechanical support
  • souvenir videos and photos
  • welcome kit



  • trasporto da / a luogo di ritrovo
  • assicurazione viaggio
  • noleggio bicicletta
  • pranzi
  • spese mediche
  • spese in caso di incidente
  • bevande ai pasti ed extra
  • mance
  • eventuali tasse di soggiorno da pagare in loco

1 DAY: Langhe - UNESCO World Heritage and wines
After the days among the alpine peaks the scenery changes, with a shorter, but no less demanding ride, in the hilly Langhe region. Inserted in the list of UNESCO sites, the area is characterized by the presence of vineyards that give rise to some of the finest Italian wines. The wine landscape is the heart of the UNESCO recognition obtained by the area. At the end of the day wine tasting. Round trip with dedicated shuttle service.
The Langhe - by bike among the vineyards: 50kms - 3 h - 1050m D (wine tasting)
The price includes: overnight stay and breakfast in the hotel, minivan transport to / from the Langhe with bike trolley, wine tasting and typical products platter.


  • Bicycle rental (including high-level ones)
  • transport from / to airport
  • wellness services and sports massages
  • picnic with local products

DAY 2: Fauniera tour: 100 kms - 6 h - 1900m D
DAY 3: Sant'Anna di Vinadio: 135 km- 7 h -1500m D
DAY 4: Elva: relaxing day
DAY 5: Ascent to the source of the Po: 150 km - 7h
DAY 6: Colle dell'Agnello: 140 km - 7 h
DAY 7: Madonna del Colletto: 75 km - 800m D


L'Altipiano della Gardetta

Il Buco di Viso o Buco delle Traversette è una galleria scavata nella roccia lunga circa 75 metri che collega l'Italia con la Francia mettendo in comunicazione i territori comunali di Crissolo e Ristolas.

Si trova in Piemonte, nel territorio della provincia di Cuneo, alle pendici del monte Granero, sotto il versante che separa la valle Po da quella francese del Queyras, ad un'altitudine di 2.882 m s.l.m.

Luogo del ritrovo

Può variare in base alle disponibilità degli hotels

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Maria, Asti
"Una mattinata davvero simpatica a scoprire le prelibatezze della città divertendoci insieme, il tempo è volato ma ce ne ricorderemo"
Raffaella, Sonia e Margherita - Genova
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